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        home > exit-entry administration > Apply for permanent residence
        Apply for Permanent Residence Visa

          Permanent Residence Visa(D-visa)is issued to a foreign citizen who has been approved by a China's public security organ to reside in China permanently.

          1. Checklist of documents required for application

          (1) Original passport remaining to be valid for at least 6 months from the date of application and with sufficient blank visa pages.

          (2) One completed visa application form with a recently-taken passport photo. The application form should be fully filled in with genuine information; if the applicant has a Chinese name, the Chinese name should be filled in; false or incomplete information and illegible characters may lead to refusal of a visa.

          (3) The original approval document for his or her permanent residence in China issued by a local public security organ in the place where the applicant intends to reside (such an approval document should be applied for by the applicant or his or her entrusted relative from the department of Exit and Entry Control of the city or county's public security bureau where applicant intends to reside).

          2. Application procedure and processing time


          (1) Application procedure

          Book online appointment at the website of Chinese Visa Application Service Centre (CVASC) and then submit application to CVASC. Application without appointment will not be accepted. For more information, please visitwww.visaforchina.org.uk . CVASC accepts postal application.

          (2) Processing time

          Regular visa processing time is normally 4 working days. For example, applicants lodging applications on Monday will collect the visas on Thursday. Express visa processing time is normally 3 working days. Applicants requesting the express service must lodge visa applications at the CVASC counter before 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday.

          3. Important notes

          (1) Consular officers may request an applicant to provide additional supporting documents. The applicant should provide this as soon as possible.

          (2) Whether a visa is to be issued or not, and what type of visa to be issued shall be decided by Consular officers in the light of China's relevant laws and regulations. Application may be refused without detailed explanation.

          (3) The applicant should check all the information of the issued visa upon collection and if necessary raise queries at the same time. If there is no immediate query relating to the issued visa, the applicant is held responsible under any circumstances thereafter.

          (4) The visa application form should be fully completed and signed by the applicant upon completion (application for an applicant under 18 years of age should be signed by one of his or her parents). Items which are not applicable should be filled in with N/A.

          (5) Please be advised to apply for a visa about one month in advance of the intended date of entry into China. The applicant is held responsible for any consequences resulting from the failure to submit visa application at an appropriate time, which may lead to either the issued visa becoming expired or it would be too late to get a visa before the intended entry date.

          (6) Consular officers decide on the visa's period of validity, duration of stay and number of entry in the light of China's laws and regulations.

          4. Fees

          (1) Please pay on collection.

          (2) Chinese Visa Application Service Centre accepts cash or debit card for payment.

          (3)Schedule of visa Fees and Service Fees (Unit: British Pound):

          Fee category











          Single entry




          Double entries




          Multiple entries / 6Months




          Multiple entries / 1 year




          Extra visa fee

          (3rd working day collection)


          (for Express Service)




          Regular Service

          (4th working day collection)

          35.25 (VAT inclusive)

          Express Service

          (3rd working day collection)

          47.00 (VAT inclusive)

          Postal Service

          (apply by post)

          52.88 (VAT inclusive)





          1. Visa Fees are collected on behalf of the Chinese Embassy.

          2. Application Service Fees are charged by the Centre.

          3. The total amount of the fees to be paid by an applicant = visa fees + application service fees.



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